Gifted and Talented Education

Welcome to Sevastopol’s gifted and talented education (GATE) website.  I am Brooke Tanck, the district’s gifted and talented coordinator and athletic director. As a 2002 graduate of Sevastopol, there is no place I’d rather spend my teaching career and raise my family! This is my seventeenth year at Sevastopol.  While this is my fifth year with the district in this capacity, I previously taught second grade for my first twelve years at Sevastopol.

I graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education and minors in mathematics and adaptive education. In addition, I hold a Wisconsin reading teacher license (1316) from UW-Oshkosh, and a Master of Science in Education Literacy reading specialist degree and licensure (5017).

As the coordinator of our GATE program, I believe that our most talented students need different opportunities from their peers to engage and advance.  The GATE program is committed to recognizing the unique abilities within our classrooms and want to provide students with opportunities to learn faster, experience more complex curricula, demonstrate leadership, think innovatively, and advocate individual learning passions and research.

Brooke Tanck
Athletic Director/Gifted and Talented Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
920-743-6282 ext 1156